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Use History State

Module: use-history-state

Table of contents




useHistoryState<T>(initialState_?): [T, (newState: T) => void, Object]

A custom React hook to manage state with history, allowing undo, redo, and reset operations.

Type parameters

TThe type of the state.


initialState_?TThe initial state value.


[T, (newState: T) => void, Object]

  • Returns the current state, a function to update the state, and an object with functions and properties for managing the state history.

The returned object contains:

  • undo: A function to revert the state to the previous state.
  • redo: A function to advance the state to the next state, if available.
  • reset: A function to reset the state to the initial state.
  • flush: A function to reset the history, keeping the current state as the only entry.
  • hasPast: A boolean indicating if there is a previous state in the history.
  • hasFuture: A boolean indicating if there is a next state in the history.
  • isPresent: A boolean indicating if the current state is the latest state.
  • isPast: A boolean indicating if the current state is not the latest state.
  • initialState: A boolean indicating if the current state is the initial state.
  • historySize: The total number of states in the history.
  • pointerPosition: The current position in the history.
  • canReset: A boolean indicating if the state can be reset to the initial state.
  • modifiedSinceFlush: A boolean indicating if the state has been modified since the last flush.


const [state, setState, history] = useHistoryState({ count: 0 });
// Update state
setState({ count: state.count + 1 });
// Undo the last state change
// Redo the undone state change
// Reset state to the initial value
// Flush the history, keeping the current state as the only entry
// Check if there are past states
console.log(history.hasPast); // true or false
// Check if there are future states
console.log(history.hasFuture); // true or false

Defined in
