Captain is currently in ALPHA. We are happy to get your feedback


The @captn/theme package is a core component of the Captain framework, designed to manage and provide consistent theming across applications. This package defines a standardized set of color palettes and utility functions to manipulate these colors for various theming purposes.


  • Comprehensive Color Palette: Includes a wide range of predefined color shades for primary colors such as grey, blue, teal, and more, allowing for versatile theming options.
  • Dynamic Theme Construction: Utilizes utility functions from @captn/utils to mix colors and dynamically create theme variations.
  • Type Support: Strongly typed with TypeScript for better development experience and error checking.


Install @captn/theme using npm:

npm install @captn/theme


Importing Color Palette

You can easily import the color palette and use it within your application to maintain consistency:

import { palette } from '@captn/theme/palette';
console.log([500]); // Outputs: '#296BFA'

Using Mix Colors Function

To create custom theme shades or blend between colors dynamically:

import { background } from '@captn/theme/palette';
console.log(background.light.body); // Outputs a mixed color between white and grey[50]
console.log(background.dark.body);  // Outputs a mixed color between black and grey[900]


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